
Getting started

Building a Chip

a chip

An input block can receive redstone signal from the block above it or from any block on its sides. An output block sends its signal to any compatible device that’s attached to its sides or to its top. Possible output devices are levers, redstone torches, powered rails, doors, trap doors, and note blocks. When the output block doesn’t have any attached devices it will directly send signal to any input pin whose block is touching the output block.

Output devices

output devices

The order of the input and output blocks is very important as different pin numbers have different functions. In simple circuit structures the pin numbering starts at the chip sign onwards. The pin to the right of the sign will always come before the pin to the left. See Chip detection scanning rules below, for information on finding the order of pins in more complex structures.

A clock, counter and two synth chips connected directly to each other forming a more complex structure.

music box

One block chips

When all you need is a chip with one i/o block, a sign can be directly attached to the single i/o block without needing any extra chip blocks.

one block chip


There are several commands for investigating problems.

Destroying a Chip

You can destroy a chip by breaking any of its structure blocks, or by running the /rcbreak command while pointing at a circuit block. Use /rcdestroy to destroy the chip and remove all of its blocks. Creepers, TNT explosions and fire (in case you’re using flammable blocks) will also cause the chip to stop functioning. Destroying a chip block with Power tools or worldedit commands, however, will not cause the chip to decativate until the server shutdowns, and can result in “phantom” circuits still taking place in memory. Whenever the plugin saves data invalid chips should be deactivated. Running /rcsave to force saving.

Chip scanning rules

To be able to guess the pin numbering of more complex structures you need to understand how the plugin scans the chip structure once you activate one. The chip is scanned block by block starting with the sign block. The pins are numbered as the chip structure is scanned, when the structure is a straight line the numbers start at the sign onwards. When the structure is more complex it will be scanned according to the following rules:

One very important thing to note is that the recursive scanning process work by branches. It will continue going from block to block in one direction even when chip blocks are found in other directions. Only when it reaches a dead end it will go back to try the other branches.

For more details see the CircuitManager class.

Preference keys

To change any of the preferences while playing, you can use the /rcprefs command. All values are stored in <craftbukkit folder>/plugins/RedstoneChips/preferences.yml.

Block types - these can be any material name or id.

To add specific data values use <material name/id>:<data value> such as wood:2 for example for birch wood. Using specific wool colors is also possible, wool:yellow for example.

Message colors - these can be any chat color name.


Plugin commands


To use RedstoneChips permissions you must have a permissions plugin on your server. To activate permissions support enter: /rcprefs usePermissions true. Protected channels can be used also when usePermissions is set to false.

Command permissions

/rchelp <command name> displays all permission node that are associated with a command.

All commands have an “allow” and “deny” permission. The “deny” permission overrides the “allow” permission. This can be used if a user belongs to a group which allows a command that you need to explicitly deny the user.

Chip permissions

All chips have create and destroy permissions. These also have an “allow” and “deny”, which function identically as above. Destruction protection prevents a chip from being destroyed via RC commands or by breaking the blocks that make up the circuit. The following node types can be used:

Protected channels

Protecting channels allow users to control who can create and destroy wireless chips on particular channels. This system is independent of the other permissions and functions even when permissions are disabled. Users can define admins for the channel, who can change who has access to the channel, and users, who can create chips using the channel, but can not change access. /rcchannels does not show a user any channels that they do not have access to, and protected channels the user does have access to are shown with a “P” to identify they are protected. /rcchannels <channel name> will show all authorized users and admins of the channel. Use the command /rcprotect to manage protected channels.

Top-level permission nodes

Writing chip libraries

Chip libraries are essentially bukkit plugins that provide RedstoneChips with new chip types. If you have a solid understanding of Java, writing your own chips should be easy enough.

These should help you get started:

Don’t hesitate to ask any question by mail or on the forum.

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