
Plugin Commands

/redstonechips: General plugin information.


/rclist: Prints a list of active chips.

/rclist [world-name|all|this] [<filter-type>: <arg>,<arg>,<arg>;...]

To show only certain kinds of chips you can use a filter. There are several filter types:

You can combine different filters by separating them with a semicolon (;). You can also use partial filter type names.



/rcclasses: Prints a list of installed chip types.


aliases: /rccl


/rcprefs: Allows to see and change the plugin’s preferences.

/rcprefs [pref key] [new value]

Use the command with no arguments to list all preferences values. To change a preference value use /rcprefs <pref key> <new value>.


/rcdebug: Register yourself as a chip debugger.

/rcdebug [id] [io|.|clear|list]

You can use /rcdb as a shortcut or type only part of the command. For ex. /rcdb l is equivalent to /rcdebug list.

aliases: /rcdb


/rcpin: Prints information about a chip pin.

Point towards an output lever or input redstone source. Prints the pin number (starting at 0), pin type (input/output), and current state (on/off) of the pin.


/rcactivate: Activates a chip.

/rcactivate [-v|-v1|-v2]

Point towards the chip sign and execute the command. To activate a circuit built with different input, output or interface block types then set in the preferences use: /rcactivate <inputBlockType> <outputBlockType> <interfaceBlockType>.

Use /rcactivate <-v|-v1|-v2> to receive debug messages from the chip scanner.

aliases: /rca


/rcdestroy: Destroys a chip and removes its blocks.

Point towards a block of the chip you wish to destroy and enter the command. This command is disabled by default. To enable it use /rcprefs enableDestroyCommand true.


/rcbreak: Deactivates a chip without removing its blocks.

/rcbreak [id]

Point towards a block of the chip or enter the its id as an argument.

aliases: /rcb


/rctype: General command for sending input to a chip.

/rctype [...]

Use by pointing at a block and enter the command. Each chip reacts to it differently. Check the relevant chip documentation for more information about usage.

aliases: /rct


/rcsend: Transmit data over a wireless channel.

/rcsend <channel> [start-bit:]data ... [start-bit:]data

data can be either an integer number, ascii character, or the letter ‘b’ followed by a binary number. ascii characters may optionally be surrounded by quotes ”. For example, /rcs chan '8'

aliases: /rcs


/rcreset: Rescans and reactivates a chip.

/rcreset [id|all]

Use by pointing towards the chip or by using the its id as an argument. Reset a circuit to scan for new i/o blocks or sign arguments and apply any changes.

Running /rcreset all will reset all active chips. Use with caution!

aliases: /rcr


/rcenable: Enables a disabled chip.

rcenable [id]

Use by pointing towards the chip or by using the its id as an argument.


/rcdisable: Disables a chip.

/rcdisable [circuit-id]

A disabled chip is still active but does not respond to any input. Use by pointing towards the chip or by using its id as an argument. To reenable the chip use /rcenable. Disabled chip sign color changes to gray.


/rcchannels: Prints a list of all wireless broadcast channels.

/rcchannels [channel-name]

Use a channel name as an argument to print info about that channel.

aliases: /rcch


/rcinfo: Prints a lot of useful information about a chip.

/rcinfo [circuit-id]

Use by pointing at a block of the chip you want to get info about or use it’s id as an argument.

aliases: /rci


/rcfixioblocks: Replaces i/o blocks that use incorrect materials.

/rcfixioblocks [circuit-id]

Use by pointing at the chip you want to fix, or use its id as an argument. Any i/o blocks using a different block type than those set in the plugin’s preferences are replaced to the correct material.


/rcsel: Select and edit a group of chips.

To add/remove chips from selection:

To run a command on all chips in selection: The following work the same as their single chip versions.

/rcsel activate requires a defined cuboid (either a WorldEdit cuboid or a RedstoneChips one).


/rcarg: Replace, add or clear chip sign arguments.

/rcarg <arg-number|add|clear> <arg-value>...<arg-number|add|clear> <arg-value>

Use by pointing at the circuit you want to edit and enter the command. To change an existing argument value use /rcarg <arg-number> <arg-value>, where arg-number is the sign argument number (starting from 1), and arg-value is the new value for this argument.

To add an argument as the last use /rcarg add <arg-value>. To remove an argument use /rcarg clear <arg-number>.

You can make changes to more than 1 argument by typing additional command arguments. For ex. /rcarg 1 val clear 2 will set the 1st argument to val and remove the 2nd argument.


/rcsave: Saves all chip data to file.

Makes sure all chips are intact and saves their current state. You don’t need to use it unless there’s a problem with the automatic data save.


/rcload: Reloads chip data from file.

This will reset any changes made to the chips state since the last save occured.


/rchelp: Prints a list or description of all RC commands.

Use /rchelp <command name> to get help about a specific command. Use /rchelp all to get a printout of all help content available.


/rcp: Moves to a different page when entered after using a command with paging.

/rcp [page #|prev|next|last] Running the command without arguments will cause it to move to the next page or go back to the first if the last page was reached.

/rcprotect: Creates, removes, and configures protected wireless channels.

/rcprotect [channel|listchannels] [protect|unprotect|add|remove] [users:names] [admins:names]

Users and admins should be passed in the form of users:User1,User2,User3 and admins:Admin1,Admin2,Admin3.

permissions: - redstonechips.command.rcprotect.deny - Denies the rcprotect command.

/rctool: Set an item as a chip probe.

/rctool [clear|<item>]

Run the command w/o arguments to set the item in your hand as the chip probe. Run /rctool clear to clear the tool item setting. Run /rctool <item> to set the chip probe to the specified item.

/rcname: Name or unname a circuit for easier debugging.

/rcname [id] <new-name> - change the chip name. /rcname [id] remove - unname the chip.

Point towards a chip and enter the command, or use the its id (including its existing name).


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