

Input decimal numbers according to your currently selected inventory slot. When left-clicking one of the chip’s interface blocks a digit represented by that block is set to the number of the player’s currently selected inventory slot. Right-clicking the interface block will set its digit to 0. Once one of the digits is updated the chip’s outputs are set to the binary value of the new decimal number.

Any number of interface blocks can be used each representing another decimal digit. An additional <number of sets> argument can be added to have more than one output number. In this case the interface blocks are divided into sets, each set controlling one output set.

Each set can optionally have its own clock input pin. When the input is turned on the current value of the set is sent to the chip’s outputs. Changing the number by clicking on the interface blocks while the clock pin is on will also update the outputs. The first input is the clock input for the first set, and so on. When input pins are not built the chip will update its respective outputs whenever one of the sets is changed.

source code

I/O setup

Sign text

  1. slotinput
  2. [number of sets] (optional. defaults to 1)

Version history: Added to SensorLibrary 0.25, made by Shamebot.

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