

Prints data on signs. Prints the value of its data pins as text on a sign block when the clock pin (input 0) is set to high. Any sign attached to an interface block will be updated. Signs must be attached before activating the chip and breaking any will cause the circuit to deactivate.

The first sign argument sets the way the data from the chip’s inputs is printed to the sign.

A second sign argument sets the display mode.

To build a print chip as a wireless receiver add a channel argument using the syntax #name[:startbit] The channel argument must be the last. In this mode print requires no inputs or outputs. The bit configuration the receiver expects is the same as the physical inputs but without the need for a clock pin. For example, if a chip is in add mode, the 1st channel bit is the clear bit, and all the following bits are data bits.

It’s possible to directly edit the text on the output signs by pointing at the circuit’s activation sign and entering the /rctype <sign text> command. If the circuit is using add or scroll mode the new text will be added to the previous sign text.

source code

print chip

I/O setup

Sign text

  1. print
  2. [data type] (num by default)
  3. [display mode] (replace by default)
  4. [#channel] (optional)

Version history: Added to BasicCircuits 0.1

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